Island Light
Landscapes from the Maine Coast
Project StatementMinimizeSmall islands have a special quality of light. What causes it? -- the presence of water everywhere, the scope of the sky, the dramatic changes in weather, the slipping in and out of fog and tide, the distant views. Quiet, longing, peace, presence, and hints of magic all come together on an island. The distinctive feeling of the island land and the surrounding sea is what I have worked to capture in this series. These photographs were made on and around the Fox Islands in Penobscot Bay, Maine.
Pulpit Rock Sun RaysStrange Blue CloudsRain ApproachingMegunticook and Fog BankRain over CamdenPulpit Rock-Pink Light 2014Pulpit Rock Storm ApproachingFrom Bartlett Harbor 1 Pulpit Rock TwilightWindmills in Line of LightHard Rock Glisten SeaGolden Glow Deep BlueLone Birch North Road 2013From Bartlett Harbor 2White Islands, Fog ApproachingSouthern Harbor 1Southern Harbor 3Southern Harbor 2Islands in FogEarly Morning Fog ThoroughfareThoroughfare Morning FogOak Tree Over FogNorth Road Fog Band 2Late Sun Fog GrassSunset grassesSunset-Queen Annes’ Lace 1Mackeral SkyEvening with DucksMagenta TwilightCloud PlumesFog RainbowUnspeakable Transitions 2Water Land Sky scrollPulpit Harbor FogTieplo Sky 1Tiepolo Sky 2